Tutorial 5 - Methods and Tools for Integrated Development of Product-Service Systems

Tutorial Session Presented by

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, Mohammad Basirati and Minjie Zou


In the context of digitization, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical (production) systems, collaborative innovation management is a key factor for successful positioning in global competition. This requires an optimal design and handling of innovation processes under consideration of cyclical influencing factors, to support companies in the development of complex product service systems across disciplines. Under this background, following questions will be addressed in this tutorial:

  • How can heterogeneous knowledge sources (expert knowledge, technical systems, document knowledge) be integrated and used effectively in dynamic environments?
  • How can we identify interdependencies among large set of requirements from different disciplines and departments?
  • How can changes be identified and tracked to support optimal decision making in a dynamic marketplace?
  • How can networked systems be integrated? How can the same information be checked for (in-)consistency in different disciplines and industries?
The aim of this tutorial is to tackle the above-mentioned questions by introducing methods and tools which are developed within the Collaborative Research Center 768 – “Managing Cycles in Innovation Processes – Integrated Development of Product-Service Systems Based on Technical Products”.

Bio of the presenters

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser is a full professor at the Technical University of Munich, Germany and has been the Head of the Automation and Information Systems Institute since 2009. She was involved in industrial automation with the machine and plant manufacturing industry for nearly 10 years. Her current research interests include systems and software engineering and the modeling of distributed and reliable embedded systems. She is co-initiator of the DFG SPP 1593 "Design for Future - Managed Software Evolution" and spokesperson of the DFG SFB 768 "Cycle Management of Innovation Processes - Interlocked Development of Service Bundles on Basic Technical Products".

Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar holds the Chair of Information Systems at the Department of Informatics at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He conducts research in the fields of digital transformation, information and knowledge management, platform-based ecosystems, management of IT-based services, e-government and computer-supported collaboration.

Mohammad Basirati is scientific staff at the Chair for Information Systems, TUM. He researches on requirements engineering, product service systems and model-based systems engineering.

Minjie Zou is scientific staff at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems, TUM. She researches on applying knowledge-based systems to verify and optimize the interdisciplinary development of automation engineering projects, as well as inconsistency management.