Workshop 2 - Internet of Distributed Energy Architecture (IDEA)

Tutorial Session Presented by

Dmytry Kholkin and Igor Chausov


Workshop on the Internet of Energy Architecture (IDEA) is organized by the Russian Infrastructural Center ENERGYNET at the 17th IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics to address the related problems of transactive energy realization, plug & play power system design and constructing, decentralized primary power balance and frequency regulation and control, peer-to-peer markets realization. Main topics for the workshop will be:

  • Internet of Energy Architecture (IDEA) and its components,
  • Transactive energy and peer-to-peer markets for microgrids and distributed energy sources,
  • Distributed ledger and fintech for 'minutes ahead' and real time energy markets,
  • Multi-agency platforms for 'minutes ahead' and real time energy markets,
  • IoT platforms for power systems, energy and power management and control,
  • Virtual synchronous machines (VSM), 'energy routers' and decentralized power flow and frequency regulation and control in remote microgrids.

Complete Program

Click here to download the workshop program and read important instructions and prerequisites