Tutorial 4 - Reality-centric reference architectures
Tutorial Session Presented by |
Paul Valckenaers |
Abstract |
Introducing the concept of a reality-centric reference architecture: software components and composition/aggregation/structure are defined in terms of the relationship between reality (the world of interest) and the software. The architecture remains agnostic concerning the IT.
Understanding the complementarity of reality-centric reference architectures versus, e.g., RAMI 4.0-alike reference models. Understand where, respectively, they are most useful/indicated.
Understanding the key aspects in reality-centric reference architectures that provide/enable adaptability, auto-configurability, interoperability, etc. and why/where/how deviations from guidelines will not and cannot remain unpunished.
Notion of the semantic gap between reality (physical) and IT (cyber) for the available options in industrial automation.
Hint at the applicability beyond manufacturing (i.e. activities on resources).
Bio of the presenters |
Paul Valckenaers is a senior scientist at UCLL and lecturer at KU Leuven. His research has expanded the application of PROSA from manufacturing over networked manufacturing, logistics, fleet robotics, agriculture and, recently, smart energy. Paul has been the principal investigator in 11 EU projects.